About Real LIFE Programs
All of the Real LIFE courses and workshops are based on the developmental proposition that bettering your skills in dealing with others is entirely dependent on deepening your relationship to yourself. And deepening your relation-ship with yourself is inextricably linked to how you develop your relationships with others and your work in the world.

Self Awareness
Cultivating intention, attention, and presence; deepening emotional awareness and responsiveness; and strengthening embodiment.

The Integral Framework
Employing this profound conceptual map to help navigate the four domains of our experience: awareness, behavior, culture, and systems.

Keys to Adult Development
Learning some keys to participating in our own development such as: taking a perspective on ourselves; becoming emotionally mature and responsive; and giving and receiving feedback to others.

Communications Skills
Developing more confidence and ease in expressing ourselves and listening to the viewpoints of others, including knowing when to empathize and agree, and when to challenge and/or disagree.

The Pathway Through Conflict
Learning to use conflict as an opportunity for growth and creativity; and by successfully exploring our differences, deepening our bonds and our intimacy.

Shadow and Polarity Work
Working with what is inside and outside of our identity, as well as other sets of opposites that arise in relationships like for and against, one up and one down, better and worse.

Attention to Subtle Energy
Becoming sensitive to the subtle energetic qualities in our work, including coherence, differentiation, vitality, or sluggishness, etc. And how much we are impacted by it, and how to successfully work with it.

Integral Diversity
Using the Integral Map to train in principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion while building mutual respect, honoring our differences, deepening our unity, and our capacity for durable collaborations.

Play and Spontaneity
Just like children, adults grow more quickly in environments that include play, curiosity, and exploration. The Real LIFE Facilitator program includes many moments of spontaneity, levity, and emotional release, teaching us the value of bringing these moments to our own work.

Our programs include deep familiarization with the body. We explore movement, physical expression, and the nervous system's response to conflict and emotions. Oh, and there is plenty of dancing.