Shadow Play

Embracing All of Who You Are

Three-Day Shadow Practice Workshop



Online Workshop via Zoom
November 13 - 15, 2024

Embracing All of Who You Are is a three-day experiential workshop for working with shadow. The shadow is a term coined by Carl Jung to refer to the unconscious aspect of the personality, which the ego rejects. This revealing, energizing personal practice discloses what we keep hidden in the psyche and frees us to fully express who we are. 

This program will provide opportunities for you to shed outdated belief systems and experience more of who you already are. You will leave the course with tools to support you in an ongoing shadow practice.

The online workshop will be facilitated by Cindy Lou Golin and Diane Musho Hamilton, colleagues from the Integral Institute who helped to develop the Shadow work modules for its transformational workshops. They will explore individual shadow practice techniques, allowing you to shine a light on your shadow and share facilitation techniques for working with others. 


  • Learn more about what shadow is and how to become more aware of it
  • Engage in experiential processes to liberate shadow
  • Clear blocks to greater freedom, loving, and joy
  • Clear blocks to being more yourself
  • Experience more significant levels of compassion and acceptance
  • Learn to support your clients in liberating their shadow
  • Explore how to relate to shadow in groups


  • 18 hours of live online contact with Diane Musho Hamilton and Cindy Lou Golin, PhD
  • Opportunities to work with Cindy Lou and Diane during the live Zoom call
  • Practicing in a supportive community
  • Tools and practices to engage after the program


November 13 - 15, 2024
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm MT

Your learning experience in this course is built on your participation and practice. We expect a firm commitment to participate in all teaching sessions.

Suggested reading: The Shadow Playbook: Over 100 Ways to Shine Light on More of Who You Already Are by Cindy Lou Golin PhD

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General Admission $1299 USD

Scholarship opportunities are available for those under 30, people of color with financial need, and those with a negative currency exchange against the US dollar.

Self As Instrument

Diane Musho Hamilton

Diane is the founder and lead trainer of the Real LIFE Programs. She is an award-winning mediator, and a teacher of Zen meditation. She received dharma transmission from Genpo Merzel Roshi in 2006. Diane served as the Director of Dispute Resolution for the Utah Judiciary from 1994 - 1999, mediating many kinds of matters from simple neighborhood disputes to complex, multi-party negotiations. She was most recognized for her skills in facilitating the difficult conversations related to race, gender, and religion in Utah.

She began working with Ken Wilber and the Integral Institute in 2004, and for fifteen years has held transformative containers for many people interested in their own development.

She is the author of three books on conflict resolution, relationship skills, and compassionate conversations. Her next book is coming in 2025 – Waking Up and Growing Up: Spiritual Cross-Training for an Evolving World, co-authored with Gabriel Wilson.

Shadow Play

Dr. Cindy Lou Golin

Dr. Cindy Lou Golin is a leadership coach, life coach, facilitator, and instructional designer with decades of experience focused on human transformation. She has a PhD in transpersonal psychology and additional graduate certificates including clinical psychology, spiritual psychology, creative expression, and soul-centered leadership.

Cindy Lou helps clients untie their egoic knots and shift into more authentic, heartfelt expression. She has a knack for facilitating personal insights and then helping you translate them into meaningful practices that create ongoing, sustainable change. If you have a clear intention and willingness, she can support you in getting where you want to be.

She has had the privilege of working with clients across six continents, including Fortune 500 companies, C-suite executives, professional and Olympic athletes, actors, creative artists, professionals, entrepreneurs, educators, coaches, facilitators, parents, and more.

She is the author of The Shadow Playbook: Over 100 Ways to Shine Light on More of Who You Already Are. While Dr. Golin is considered an authority and expert in human transformation, she describes herself as a perpetual student who loves to play and enjoy Beginner’s Mind.